My practice is community building:

Contributing to a broader understanding amongst each other through positive social engagement.

Fostering an environment of human dignity, where all people can pursue their life in peace and with justice.

Conflicts are natural, and resolutions are possible; these are the tools of my practice:


Mediation serves as a crucial tool for conflict resolution and community building; it provides a structured process for parties in dispute to collaboratively address their differences. The mediator does not impose a solution but facilitates a mutually agreeable resolution.

The Circle Process

The Circle Process represents a communal approach to conflict resolution and community building, deeply rooted in indigenous cultures and traditional African societies. The circle symbolizes equality and unity, emphasizing inclusivity and respect for diverse perspectives. The focus is on consensus building rather than adversarial decision-making.

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is a paradigm that focuses on repairing the damage caused by a crime or conflict. In a restorative justice framework, communities actively participate in the resolution process, working together to support victims, rehabilitate offenders, and address systemic issues that contribute to crime and harm. Restorative justice promotes healing and reconciliation, building a stronger and more resilient communities.